Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research Committee (LBORC)

The Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research Committee (LBORC) was named for an early prominent researcher, Louisa Burns, DO. As the director of the A.T. Still Research Institute for many years, Dr. Burns studied the physiology of viscerosomatic reflexes. Her work continues to inspire osteopathic research.

LBORC is the primary committee dedicated to clinical research in the American Academy of Osteopathy. The committee strives to develop and support standards for the collection of data related to osteopathic manipulative medicine and its effect on health and disease.

Committee members assist in developing and performing clinical research studies. They may provide a consultation service to help the investigator on various aspects of the research project, including formation of the hypothesis, data gathering and analysis and publication of study results. The committee also reviews clinical research applications, and if the research project is approved, it submits a recommendation for funding to the AAO Board of Trustees.

Committee members are leaders in expanding research within the osteopathic medical profession and encouraging collaboration between clinicians and basic scientists. 

  • American Osteopathic Association’s Bureau of Osteopathic Clinical Education and Research AAO liaison
  • Participated in the Osteopathic Collaborative Clinical Trials Initiative Conferences
  • Helped to create the Osteopathic Research Center (ORC) at the University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine.
  • Create and deliver research workshops at the AOA’s Annual Osteopathic Medical Conference and Exposition and at the AAO’s annual Convocation.
  • Created and validated the Outpatient Osteopathic SOAP (subjective objective assessment plan) Note
  • Created and validated the Single Organ System Osteopathic Musculoskeletal Form Series.
  • Works closely with the Student American Academy of Osteopathy to increase involvement in osteopathic research among students and Resident American Academy of Osteopathy residents.

Through these efforts, LBORC strives to develop training for physicians who wish to participate in osteopathic manual medicine research.

 The committee members work in subcommittees and task forces to accomplish the research goals of the Academy. Task forces are developed to accomplish specific, short-term goals while subcommittees develop and maintain long-term projects.

Research Grant Information
Research Poster Presentations
LBORC Poster Presentation (PPT download)